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George Soros Files Lawsuit To Impeach President Trump

Billionaire globalist George Soros has launched a campaign to impeach President Trump by filing a lawsuit against the President just days after taking office.  Soros’ Open Society Foundations funded the organization that filed the lawsuit against President Trump which will challenge the “Constitutionality of his presidency,” according to reports. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland last week, Soros boasted to the audience that he would “take down President Trump” for disrupting his globalist plans for the world. reports: On Monday, the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a lawsuit claiming that Trump is in violation of a Constitutional clause banning government officials from accepting benefits from foreign nations. Politico reported: The suit, backed by several prominent Constitutional scholars, claims that Trump’s business dealings with foreign countries who rent space in his buildings or lend money to his real estate ventures run afoul of the foreign emoluments clause. “President Trump has made his slogan ‘America First,’” CREW’s Noah Bookbinder said in a statement. “So you would think he would want to strictly follow the Constitution’s foreign emoluments clause, since it was written to ensure our government officials are thinking of Americans first, and not foreign governments.” [...]

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