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In Blow To Theresa May, UK Supreme Court Rules Parliament Must Vote Before Brexit Can Start

In Blow To Theresa May, UK Supreme Court Rules Parliament Must Vote Before Brexit Can Start

In a blow to Theresa May's ambitions to implement a "clean Brexit", on Tuesday morning UK’s Supreme Court ruled the UK Prime Minister can’t start the Brexit process without approval from Parliament, a decision that could potentially complicate her path toward a clear break from the European Union. Eight justices voted against the government and three voted in favor of it, in a decision that was widely expected.

Swedish Politician Resigns After Calls To "Shoot Trump"

Swedish Politician Resigns After Calls To "Shoot Trump"

A municipal council lawmaker in the Swedish city of Kalmar, Roland Pettersson, member of the biggest Swedish Social Democratic Party, resigned on Monday after asking on Facebook if someone could “shoot” America’s president, Donald Trump.

“I believed that Donald Trump would calm down after he became the president [of the US]. But how wrong I was! He exceeded my worst fears! Could anyone shoot him?” Swedish Social Democratic Party member Roland Peterson, a municipal official in Kalmar’s Soedermoere district, wrote on his Facebook page on Sunday.

Iran Caught Smuggling Anti-Tank Missile Systems Through Ukraine Under "False Manifests"

Iran Caught Smuggling Anti-Tank Missile Systems Through Ukraine Under "False Manifests"

According to new reports just surfacing today, last Thursday, the day before Trump was set to take his oath of office, Iran was caught by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine attempting to smuggle anti-tank missile systems through Kiev's Zulyany airport under "false manifests."  According to the Washington Free Beacon, Ukrainian authorities, upon inspecting the cargo of a plane bound for Iran last week, discovered multiple boxes filled with components for a Fagot anti-tank guided missile system.
