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Kremlin Denies It Has "Compromising" Dossier On Trump, Calls Intel Report "Complete Fabrication"

Kremlin Denies It Has "Compromising" Dossier On Trump, Calls Intel Report "Complete Fabrication"

Responding to the latest report accusing Trump of being a Russian pawn (which may at least partially have been the spawn of a 4Chan hoax), the Kremlin said on Wednesday it was "total nonsense" that Russian officials had assembled a file of compromising information on Donald Trump.  Speaking to reporters on a conference call today, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the dossier containing the claims was a hoax which had been dreamt up to further harm U.S.-Russia relations, which are already at their lowest level since the Cold War.

World Faces Rising Risk Of Conflict: US Intel Report Admits "Era Of American Dominance Drawing To A Close"

Submitted by MiddleEastEye via,

The incoming Donald Trump administration faces a world of greater risk of conflict, slower growth and more anti-democratic pressures than ever since the Cold War, a new US intelligence report released on Monday said.

US leadership is ebbing amid shifts in economic, political and technological power, deep changes in the global landscape “that portend a dark and difficult near future,” according to the National Intelligence Council’s “Global Trends: Paradox of Progress” report.

Mexico Revolution: Millions Storm US Border

Long-simmering social tensions in Mexico are now boiling over as millions of citizens revolt against their deeply unpopular government’s open corruption. Rampant inflation and a severe gasoline crisis have driven the country to the brink of revolution, yet mainstream media in the US continues to suppress the scale of events. Massive protests have forced the closure of the US-Mexico border in San Diego, California, several times in the past week alone as ongoing “gasolinazo” protests – over a 20 percent rise is gas prices – have led to over 400 arrests, 250 looted stores, and six deaths.
