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Live Stream: Key Things To Watch As Jeff Sessions Gets Grilled By Senate

A marathon of Senate confirmation hearings gets kicked off today starting with Jeff Sessions (R - Alabama), Trump's pick for Attorney General, beginning at 9:30AM EST.  Sessions is certain to face fierce opposition from liberals who will undoubtedly bring up his "racially insensitive" comments from the 1980s and grill him on his views regarding voter I.D. laws and immigration.

In Humiliation For Beppe Grillo, Pro-EU Liberal Group Blocks Alliance With 5-Star Movement

In Humiliation For Beppe Grillo, Pro-EU Liberal Group Blocks Alliance With 5-Star Movement

In what may have been this weekend's biggest surprise, and one which some have suggested demonstrated Beppe Grillo's true nature, in a blog published on Sunday, the founder of Italy's Five-Star Movement (M5S) said his political movement should ditch Nigel Farage's anti-EU UK Independence Party (UKIP) in the European Parliament, and seek a hook up with the liberal pro-EU group Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, or ALDE, led by European Federalist Guy Verhofstadt, in an attempt to consolidated power in the European parliament.

"Putin's Not On Our Team": Obama Worried Americans Trust Russia More Than U.S. Govt

"Putin's Not On Our Team": Obama Worried Americans Trust Russia More Than U.S. Govt

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

The people are no longer buying the lies.

Period, end of sentence.

And it has outgoing-president Obama all worked up.

So does this mean war?

Underlying the post-election hysteria surrounding “Russian hacking” and “fake news” is the basic issue of trust – the U.S. Government, the Congress, the media and most leaders in Washington just don’t have it. So that have to make up reasons.

Freed Guantanamo Jihadist Has "Fled To Syria To Join Al Qaeda"

Freed Guantanamo Jihadist Has "Fled To Syria To Join Al Qaeda"

Just 6 days after president-elect Donald Trump for the end of all detainee releases from the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, saying in a tweet that those who remain are "extremely dangerous people" who "should not be allowed back onto the battlefield," The Daily Mail reports a jihadi from Britain who claims to be a former Guantanamo Bay detainee has fled to Syria where he is now fighting for Al Qaeda.
