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Trump To Meet With UK Prime Minister, As May Denies Her Brexit Plans Are "Muddled"

While Trump has yet engage the social network on Sunday, in his last tweet on Saturday evening, President-elect Donald Trump said he would will meet with U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May in the spring as the British leader seeks to rejuvenate ties with the US after a frosty start to their relationship and expand the UK's relationship with the U.S. after her country withdraws from the European Union.

“I look very much forward to meeting Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington in the Spring. Britain, a longtime U.S. ally, is very special!” Trump said.

Obama Accuses Sanders Supporters Of Undermining Obamacare

With the Obamacare repeal process having officially started (the replacement of the Affordable Care Act is a different matter entirely, and will likely take years to be enacted), outgoing president is watching his biggest legacy slowly melt before his eyes, and has started to point fingers. And one place where he is casting blame is criticism from the far left wing of his own Democratic Party which he says helped feed into the unpopularity of Obamacare.

JPMorgan Found Guilty Of Corruption, Fined $264 Million

China has found JPMorgan Chase guilty of corruption and fined the financial institution a staggering $264 million. By demanding that bankers be subject to the same laws as the rest of society, China is opting for a very different strategy to Europe and the US, where banks are only ever fined nominal amounts, and directors and chief executives escape punishment altogether. AnonHQ report: We all know that the 2008 financial crisis was a result of the recklessness of the big banks, especially those in the United States.

Czech Government Fears Muslim "Super-Holocaust", Urges Citizens To Shoot Them Yourselves

Czech Government Fears Muslim "Super-Holocaust", Urges Citizens To Shoot Them Yourselves

On the heels of Czech President Milos Zeman's warnings of a possible "super-Holocaust" carried out by Muslim terrorists, urging citizens to arm themselves, WaPo reports the country's interior ministry is pushing a constitutional change that would let citizens use guns against terrorists if police are delayed or unable to make their way to the scene of an attack.
