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How The Mainstream Media Turned Al Qaeda Into A US Ally In Syria

How The Mainstream Media Turned Al Qaeda Into A US Ally In Syria

Submitted by Rania Khalek via,

The Syrian government - a dictatorship known for imprisoning, torturing and disappearing dissidents - is easy to vilify. And over the last five years of Syria’s civil war, it has committed its share of atrocities. But there is more than one side to every story, and US media coverage has mainly reflected one side—that of the rebels—without regard for accuracy or basic context.

Former Mexican President Asks If Trump Is "Legitimate President" After "Devastating" Intel Report

Former Mexican President Asks If Trump Is "Legitimate President" After "Devastating" Intel Report

Not satisfied with swearing at president-elect Trump over 'the wall', it seems former Mexican president Vicente Fox Quesada is desperately seeking relevance once again as he tweets...

Russian Responds To US Intel Report It Helped Trump Defeat Hillary

The US intelligence community has released the unclassified findings of its investigation into what it says was Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election, and Russia's apparently takes a significant chunk of the blame, "by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences." Or does it?

RT responds to these 'charges' below with some 'facts'...

WikiLeaks Wins Credibility Contest With CIA 83% to 17%

WikiLeaks Wins Credibility Contest With CIA 83% to 17%

In an op-ed for the Baltimore Sun, two former, high-ranking intelligence officials tore apart the Obama administration’s vocal and as-yet unproven claim that the Russians interfered with the U.S. election — and hacked systems of the Democratic establishment — to ensure a Donald Trump win.
