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Protesters Swarm Goldman Sachs' Headquarters, Are "Physically Ejected"

It appears "Occupy Wall Street" is a thing again, and this time it's Donald Trump's fault.

Anyone who was wondering if the general population has noticed the abnormal concentration of Wall Streeters in general, and Goldman Sachs alumni in particular, in the Trump administration got their answer on Wednesday afternoon, when screaming protesters, chanting "Drain that Swamp", swarmed the lobby of Goldman Sachs' New York headquarters in opposition to the firm’s growing influence in Donald Trump’s administration.

Paul Ryan Blasts Assange As A "Sycophant For Russia"; Says Trump Needs To Be "Better Informed"

After Julian Assange has repeatedly confirmed that Russia was not the source of his DNC or John Podesta leaks, including again last night in an interview with Sean Hannity, Paul Ryan would like for you to know that he's not buying it.  Sounding a bit like a disaffected Hillary snowflake, Ryan told radio host Hugh Hewitt that he really has no opinion on Assange other than that he's a “sycophant for Russia."  Per the Washington Times:

John Podesta Password Was PASSWORD: Assange

It has been revealed that a 14-year-old could have hacked the US election, because John Podesta’s email password was “password.” With the intelligence community bearing down heavily on Russian hackers, blaming them for compromising US internet security and affecting the election result, it now appears that a novice hacker could have hacked into Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s computer.

Trump Is Working On A Plan To Restructure, Pare Back The CIA And America's Top Spy Agency

Trump Is Working On A Plan To Restructure, Pare Back The CIA And America's Top Spy Agency

Just in case the accusations that president-elect Donald Trump is a puppet of the Kremlin, intent on destabilizing and weakening the US weren't loud enough, moments ago the WSJ assured these would hit an unprecedented level with a report that Trump, a harsh critic of U.S. intelligence agencies, is working with top advisers on a plan that would restructure and pare back the nation’s top spy agency, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, prompted by a belief that it has "become bloated and politicized."
