A Biased 2017 Forecast, Part 2

Submitted by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,
Submitted by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,
Submitted by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com,
Edward Jay Epstein has an op-ed in the Wall Street journal promoting his new book “How America Lost Its Secrets: Edward Snowden, the Man and the Theft”.
Epstein discusses the Fable of Edward Snowden
At the forefront of Epstein’s claims is the fact that Snowden lied. “As he seeks a pardon, the NSA thief has told multiple lies about what he stole and his dealings with Russian intelligence,” says Epstein.
Authored by BelowGotham.com's Bill Blunden,
The New York Times has published an interactive piece which encapsulates, in all of 200 words, the alleged campaign by Russian hackers to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. Yet the media’s framing of events eschews basic facts – the actual content of the leaks - in favor of screaming “thief” at the top of its lungs.
And so the following 200-word summary is presented as an antidote to the establishment’s clumsy post-election messaging...
In an oddly self-reflective moment of realization, The New York Times' investigative reporter James Risen, writes an oddly un-liberal op-ed pointing out the hypocrisy of Obama administration proclamations with regard 'free press' and transparency and the awkwardly dismal facts on the ground.
If Donald J. Trump decides as president to throw a whistle-blower in jail for trying to talk to a reporter, or gets the F.B.I. to spy on a journalist, he will have one man to thank for bequeathing him such expansive power: Barack Obama.
Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, once considered a front runner for a senior position in the Trump administration, continues to take jabs at the President-elect. After being forced to apologize a few weeks back for saying that Trump no longer wishes to "Drain The Swamp" in Washington D.C., Gingrich is back with new controversial comments suggesting, yet again, that the Trump administration may ultimately cave to the demands of the far left. Per ABC News: