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George Soros Plotting ‘Financial Armageddon’ To Stop Trump

Frustrated by his failed attempts to control future US and world policy, George Soros has returned to what he knows best – market manipulation – in an attempt to stop Trump from dismantling meticulous plans for a New World Order. Soros’ plan to install establishment puppet Hillary Clinton in the White House failed, despite multi-million dollar funding from the notorious globalist billionaire.

Anonymous: ‘Western Leaders Will Be Dragged Through Streets In 2017’

Hacking group Anonymous have threatened to “drag Western leaders through the streets” in 2017, with the hacking collective releasing a New Years video stating that the time for peaceful protests is over and “the time to act is now.” The spokesman said: “For years we have been a force for good on this battlefield, fighting for our basic rights. Protesting peacefully, spreading the truth, a bloodless conflict, but now it appears that the day we have been waiting for is at last upon us and the time to act is now.“ In a chilling reference to the 2011 capture of former Libyan dictator Colonel Ga

Obama Secretly Signs $7.4 Billion Worth Of New Year Regulations

Barack Obama just secretly signed last-minute regulations costing $7.4 billion over the New Year holiday season.  In the space of just one night Obama pumped out a set of “midnight” regulations that could end up costing the taxpayer over $44 billion. reports: Sam Batkins, director of regulatory policy at the right-leaning American Action Forum (AAF), compiled a list of regulations published Wednesday night in the Federal Register. The administration released more than $7.4 billion in regulations last night.

Team Trump: We Need To Punish Clinton, Not Putin

The Trump administration have said that they believe Hillary Clinton should be punished for illegally trying to influence the outcome of the election.  Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, said that Putin and Russia are being wrongly blamed for unduly influencing the US elections, and said that the blame should lie squarely with the Clinton Campaign. “Why aren’t we talking about the other influences on the election? Why aren’t we talking about Hillary Clinton getting debate questions ahead of time?” reports: “No one is asking those questions.
