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Sarah Palin Calls On Trump To Leave UN After Israeli Settlement Vote

Sarah Palin has called on the US President-elect Donald Trump to extricate Washington from the United Nations over the recent vote on Israel’s illegal construction of settlements in Palestine. The former republican governor said there were two ways the future president could remove the country from the UN. Press TV reports: “One is, I called for our next president, Donald Trump, to call for the unshackling of the political bands tying us to the UN,” she said.

U.S. State Department Tied To Child Trafficking Operation With Epstein

Evidence has emerged that the U.S. State Department is tied to a child trafficking operation involving Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. According to internet detectives, one of Epstein’s aircraft which was linked to the trafficking of underage girls is actually owned and operated by the U.S. State Department. reports: Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who has been accused of trafficking underage females shared the tail number of his Bell Long Ranger 206L3 helicopter (tail number N474AW) with a U.S. State Department OV-10D Bronco.

Syrian Forces Find More US Made Weapons In Aleppo

US-made munitions worth millions of dollars have been found in former terrorist positions in the city of Aleppo. According to media reports, Syrian government forces discovered a number of depots in recently liberated districts of Aleppo city with a large volume of arms and ammunition that were mostly US-made. Hundreds of boxes loaded with US-manufactured ammunition were found in the eastern quarters of Aleppo as the forces combed various neighborhoods of the recently liberated city for ordnance and military equipment left behind by terrorists.
