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Obama Plans New Year War With Russia Within 20 Days

The elites who control America are going all out on a plan to start a war with Russia and stonewall Donald Trump before he takes office in January. The U.S. establishment is still in shock that Donald Trump is the new president-elect and are desperately trying to curtail his efforts to be civil with Russia. Washington warmongers were on a war footing even before Trump ran for high office and have now less than three weeks to start World War 3 with Russia before the president-elect is sworn in. The unsubstantiated claim that Russia is guilty of carrying out a cyber attack on the U.S.

In 2017 Address, Merkel Decries "Distorted Picture" Of Refugee Policy "Painted By Populists"

In 2017 Address, Merkel Decries "Distorted Picture" Of Refugee Policy "Painted By Populists"

In an awkwardly similar rhetoric to the failed slogan of Hillary Clinton, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told her nation that "together, we are stronger. Our state is stronger," giving no ground on her increasingly questioned open-border refugee policy as she slammed the "distorted picture" being painted by populists.

"This Would Cross Our Red Line" - Chinese Military Considering Measures To "Cripple" Taiwan

While Donald Trump is tweeting his new year's greetings to his friends, and especially enemies, China is thinking three weeks ahead to the day the president-elect is officially inaugurated, and is worried what that could mean for a suddenly empowered Taiwan, whose outreach to Trump now means that the long-standing "One China" policy is now a topic of negotiation.  As a result, Reuters reports that China's military, alarmed by Trump's support of Taiwan, is considering strong measures to prevent the island from moving toward independence.

"Something Stinks" - Like Iraq WMD Fiasco, Russia Story Doesn't Add Up

"Something Stinks" - Like Iraq WMD Fiasco, Russia Story Doesn't Add Up

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,

Yesterday, President Obama expelled 35 Russian “Operatives” from the Russian Embassy.

Is there any evidence those expelled are “intelligence operatives”? Any hard evidence Russia was behind the Hillary hacks? Any credible evidence that Putin himself is to blame?

The answers are No, No, and No. Yet, once again the American press is again asked to co-sign a dubious intelligence assessment.

Rush to Judgment

Something Stinks
