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Europol Admits ISIS Actively Targeting Refugees To Carry Out Terrorist Attacks In The EU

Europol Admits ISIS Actively Targeting Refugees To Carry Out Terrorist Attacks In The EU

Confirming what most of us deduced long ago via the application of just a bit of common sense, Europol and Frontex, Europe's  border and coast guard agency, are finally admitting that their intelligence indicates coordinated efforts on the part of ISIS to recruit asylum seekers, both in Syria and in migrant camps after they've already reached Europe, to carry out terrorist attacks.  In a report published my Europol, counter-terrorism experts warn that, among other things, "Syrian refugee diaspora may become vulnerable to radicalisation once in Europe and may be spec

Le Pen Presidential Campaign Threatened By Russian Bank Failure

A problem has emerged for France's anti-immigrant, anti-Euro presidential frontrunner, Marine Le Pen, and it has little to do with being behind in the polls ahead of the 2017 presidential elections, far from it. It has, however, everything to do with something far simpler: money, as the National Front leader is suddenly struggling to raise the €20 million ($21 million) she needs to fund the French presidential and legislative campaigns in 2017 after the party’s Russian lender failed, the party treasurer said.

Refugee Admissions Surge 86% YoY As Obama Rushes Arrivals Ahead Of Trump Inauguration

Refugee Admissions Surge 86% YoY As Obama Rushes Arrivals Ahead Of Trump Inauguration

In the first 84 days of the 2017 fiscal year (October 1, 2016 - December 23, 2016), the Obama administration has accepted 25,584 refugees into the United States, according to data provided by the State Department.  Per Breitbart, compared to the same period in FY2016, that represents an 86% increase year-over-year.  And while we were expecting a large increase in refugee admittances in 2017 (see "Hillbama Administration Plans To Admit At Least 110,000 Refugees In 2017"), the ~30% increase that Secretary John Kerry estimated back in September is looking like
