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Senator Rand Paul's Annual Festivus Airing Of Grievances

In a time-honored tradition - started by television sitcom 'Seinfeld' - Senator Rand Paul aired a list of his grievances Friday for Festivus. In the past his outburst has been aimed at wasteful government spending, this year the target of his ire is the president-elect, his cabinet choices, and the media...


An Angry Israel Summons Foreign Ambassadors, Accuses Obama Of Conspiring Against It

Israel's anger mounted for a second day after Friday's United Nations snub, when on Sunday it summoned ambassadors of countries from the UN Security Council for a Christmas Day reprimand for their support of a resolution condemning Israel’s illegal settlements on Palestinian lands. The vote passed in the 15-member Security Council on Friday because the United States broke with its long-standing approach of diplomatically shielding Israel and did not wield, as a permanent member of the forum, its veto power, instead abstaining.

CNN Ratings Hit All Time Record Low

CNN, the network so thoroughly exposed by WikiLeaks as a propaganda mouthpiece of the establishment, have recorded their lowest ratings since records began. For the week ending December 18, CNN ranked a lowly number 18 for total viewers per day for ad supported cable networks. CNN was beat out by channels such as The Cartoon Network and Home And Garden TV Network. Viewers obviously decided The Cartoon Network is closer to reality than what CNN pumps out. Perhaps most embarrassingly, The Food Network had more daily viewers than CNN. How the mighty have fallen.

Video: Man Dresses As ISIS Fighter And Crosses German Border Controls

A Danish man dressed up as an ISIS fighter and filmed himself crossing the border into Germany multiple times – and not once was he stopped or questioned by authorities. The man, who was carrying a replica gun and the terror network’s flag, claims German border security is “pathetic” and he wanted to raise awareness of the consequences of open borders. The Express report: The video, uploaded to YouTube, has not been verified and it is not clear where exactly it was filmed.
