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Here Are Links For Live-Stream Coverage Of The Electoral College Vote By State

Today Electoral College voters will cast ballots for president and vice president of the United States. The following list offers links to live stream webcasts from each state legislature as the electors vote.



•Arizona (Senate & House)

•Arkansas (House & Senate)




•Georgia (House & Senate)


•Indiana (House & Senate)

•Iowa (Senate & House)

•Kentucky (Video & Audio)



Obama Admits Hillary "Lost Badly" By Failing To "Make An Argument" That Inspired People To "Show Up"

Obama Admits Hillary "Lost Badly" By Failing To "Make An Argument" That Inspired People To "Show Up"

After weeks of pushing the "Russian hacking" narrative, mostly through White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, Obama is finally admitting that Hillary "lost badly" in her presidential bid by failing to make an argument to people in the Midwest that inspired them to "show up."  In an "exit interview" with NPR, Obama said that Democrats face "structural problems" with their base clustered in urban areas on the coasts which requires presidential candidates to make their case to swing voters in the Midwest, something he says Hillary failed to do.  Per The Hill:

Saudi Arabia Lobbying To Amend Sept 11 Law

Saudi Arabia Lobbying To Amend Sept 11 Law

Following last week's report that Saudi Arabia is starting to apply pressure on the incoming Trump administration by hinting it could move the Aramco IPO away from New York to some still undeteremined venue due to concerns the recently passed Sept 11 law could make business in the US problematic, on Sunday Saudi Arabia's foreign minister said he has been lobbying US legislators to change a law allowing victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks to sue the kingdom.

"This Is Stupid" - Pennsylvania Electors To Get Police Protection

While today's Electoral College vote is not expected,  by most, to lead to any surprises, and Donald Trump will almost certainly be selected as the next president in a vote that is usually routine but takes place this year amid allegations of Russian hacking to try to influence the election, some states are not taking any chances and following last week's report that Trump electors have seen a flurry of death threats, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that electors in Pennsylvania will have police protection as they cast their ballots on Monday.

Obama Becomes First Nobel Peace Prize Winner To Bomb 7 Countries

Barack Obama, the president who promised change, actually provided more of the same. As the 44th President of the United States prepares to exist stage left, he can congratulate himself on becoming the first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb seven different countries back to the Stone Age. The president who preached hope also kept the military-industrial complex in fine fettle, selling a record $115 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia, the world’s most repressive regime, and destabilized entire regions, creating vacuums for terrorists to thrive.
