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North Korea Has Better Military Than Expected

Military experts are warning that North Korea has recently improved its weapons and military capabilities across the board and is far more dangerous than previously thought. Sputnik reports: Last week, it was reported that the country had developed an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear payload to the US mainland. Only a crucial insulation issue remained to be solved to make the device truly threatening.

Coup Or No Coup: What To Watch For As The Electoral College Votes Tomorrow

Coup Or No Coup: What To Watch For As The Electoral College Votes Tomorrow

With even Harvard's Larry Lessig admitting that his efforts to flip the Electoral College against Trump have failed miserably (see "Harvard Professor Admits His Efforts To Turn Electoral College Against Trump Have Failed Miserably"), it's a near certainty that Trump will, in fact, be elected President when the Electoral College casts their votes tomorrow. 

Maduro Halts Cash Ban Amid "International Sabotage" Conspiracy Theory; Blames Obama, US Treasury

Maduro Halts Cash Ban Amid "International Sabotage" Conspiracy Theory; Blames Obama, US Treasury

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro suspended the elimination of the nation’s 100 bolivar bill until Jan. 2 after the government’s decision to pull its largest denomination note out of circulation left the country short of cash, deepening Venezuela's economic crisis, and sparking violent protests and looting.

Obama Plans Retaliatory Strike On Russia Before Leaving Office

The Obama administration has been threatening a retaliatory strike on Russia for the US election hacking and leaking scandal that gave Donald Trump the White House instead of establishment favourite Hillary Clinton. US President Barack Obama is planning a massive cyberattack against the Russian Federation before leaving office that could put the United States and Russia in a state of virtual war.

German Parliament Source Behind WikiLeaks Dump, Not Russia

A source in the German parliament is responsible for the recent WikiLeaks release of secret data on German-US intelligence cooperation and mass surveillance practices and not Russia, Der Spiegel reported Saturday. reports: The respective German officials are “confident” that the documents published by WikiLeaks were not obtained through a cyberattack last year on the Parliament (Bundestag), allegedly committed by Russian hackers.
