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Podesta: "FBI Only Contacted Me After Wikileaks Started Dropping My Emails"

Podesta: "FBI Only Contacted Me After Wikileaks Started Dropping My Emails"

The man who is undisputedly ground zero of the "Russian hacking campaign", former Clinton campaign chairman, John Podesta, whose emails provided an in-depth glimpse into the illict practices of the top echelon of US politics, and certainly the Clinton campaign itself, confirmed accusations of "pay-to-play" lobbed against the Clinton Family Foundation, and exposed the incestuous relationship between the Clinton dynasty and the "free press", which was revealed to be at times nothing more than the Public Relations arm of the Clinton campaign, spoke on NBC's Meet The Press this morning

German Minister Seeks Jail Time, Fines In Criminal Crackdown Against Facebook "Fake News"

German Minister Seeks Jail Time, Fines In Criminal Crackdown Against Facebook "Fake News"

With Facebook having announced last week the launch of measure to flag and eliminate fake news from appearing on its website, Germany does not think the process is fast enough, and according to Germany's Justice Minister Heiko Maas, German judges and state prosecutors need to crack down straight away on fake news disseminated through social media platforms such as Facebook. Interviewed by Bild am Sontag, Maas, a Social Democrat in conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition, has repeatedly warned the U.S.

The Striking Audacity of the Coup-in-Process — Paul Craig Roberts

The Striking Audacity of the Coup-in-Process

Paul Craig Roberts

Unsubstantiated stories have been planted throughout the presstitute media by anonymous CIA officials that Donald Trump’s electoral victory was the result of Russian intervention. This absurd claim has now been elevated to the even more absurd claim that Putin himself oversaw and even conducted the manipulation of the US presidential election.

As Obama Plans Retaliation Against "Russian Hacking", A Problem Emerges

In a fiery press conference on Friday, shortly before departing for his last Hawaiian vacation, president Obama accused the press of being responsible for Hillary Clinton's loss, slammed "domestic propagandists" who he said were responsible for the risk of "fake news" and assisting foreign counter-US propaganda, but more importantly Obama vowed to “send a clear message to Russia” in retaliation for its election hacking - of which the CIA still has to demonstrate evidence - as both a punishment and a deterrent.
