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Paul Krugman Loses It: Hints At Trump 9/11-Style Attack False Flag

Paul Krugman Loses It: Hints At Trump 9/11-Style Attack False Flag

Some establishment types took the election of Donald Trump - and the implicit rejection of their omnipotence - a lot harder than others. Perhaps the arch-Keynesian himself, New York Times' Paul Krugman, is the best example, lashing out this morning at the ignorance of Trump voters once again (well they must be ignorant, right?) along with his co-conspirators Noah Smith and Brad DeLong, exclaiming:

"A fact-constrained candidate wouldn’t have been able to promise such people what they want; Trump, of course, had no problem."

The Albuquerque Journal asks the relevant question: Just who is undermining election? Russians or CIA?

Editorial: Just who is undermining election? Russians or CIA?
By Albuquerque Journal Editorial Board
Friday, December 16th, 2016 at 12:02am

Congress needs to dust off its Magic 8 Ball. At this point, how else are our elected representatives going to get to the bottom of allegations that Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, tried to influence the U.S. general election?

Trump Picks Fiscal Conservative Hawk Mulvaney As Budget Director

Trump Picks Fiscal Conservative Hawk Mulvaney As Budget Director

Hinting at a substantial clampdown on government spending over the next four years, this morning President-elect Trump announced the selection of South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney to be his first budget director, a nomination which would put a "fiscal conservative hawk" in charge of managing the federal budget and the logistics of government affairs.

Ron Paul: CIA Meddled In ‘Hundreds’ Of Elections

While the US continue to blame Russia for interfering in the US election, it seems the CIA are the experts when it come to meddling in other country’s elections. Former presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul said that US government “propagandists” push for a foreign policy of “intervening around the world” After Hillary Clinton blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for personally directing a cyberattack that cost her the 2016 presidential election, Dr.
