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Head For The Bunkers?

Authored by Carl Bildt, originally posted at Project Syndicate,

In August 2015, I tweeted that if Donald Trump were to be elected President of the United States, we would have to “head for the bunkers.”

A Trump presidency was considered highly unlikely back then; but here we are. And while heading for the bunkers might not be the most appropriate response (yet), where we are is undoubtedly a more dangerous world.

The CIA Is Accusing Russia Of Doing Exactly What The CIA Does

The CIA Is Accusing Russia Of Doing Exactly What The CIA Does

Submitted by Peter Certo via,

Even in an election year as shot through with conspiracy theories as this one, it would have been hard to imagine a bigger bombshell than Russia intervening to help Donald Trump. But that’s exactly what the CIA believes happened, or so unnamed “officials brief on the matter” told the Washington Post.

Aleppo Victory... US And Its Crime Partners Suffer "Meltdown Of Sanity"

Submitted by Finian Cunningham via,

The US and its terrorist-sponsoring partners are seeing their criminal regime-change project in ruins, as the Syrian army and its allies win a spectacular victory to retake the strategically important city of Aleppo.

Western governments and their flunkies at the UN are cynically, perversely decrying a «meltdown of humanity».

John Kerry: ‘No Comment’ On Putin Hacking US Election Claims

John Kerry has refused to confirm anonymous intelligence reports alleging that Russian President Vladimir Putin was personally involved in hacking the U.S. election. On Wednesday evening, NBC News reported that “senior intelligence officials” had provided them with evidence that proved Putin authorised hackers to influence the U.S. election in order to help Donald Trump win. “I am not going to comment on anonymous reports from intelligence officials that are not identified that have quotes around the concept of intelligence officials,” Kerry said at the press briefing.
