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Obama Vows to Exact Revenge Against Russia for Unsubstantiated Russian Hacking Claims

Those who deny the assertions put forth by the Washington Post, citing unnamed and nefarious CIA sources, regarding Russian intervention in the US elections, are being labeled as traitors. Conservatives view all of the Russian hysteria business as the final stage of grief being played out in public, by a completely broken and mentally addled globalist movement left in shambles.

Obama: I Will Take Action Against Russia Before Leaving Office

President Barack Obama has promised to take direct action against Russia over their alleged interference in the presidential election, before he leaves office in January. In an interview with NPR on Thursday evening, Obama vowed to retaliate against Russia, but refused to detail what that would entail. “I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections, that we need to take action and we will — at a time and place of our own choosing. Some of it may be explicit and publicized, some of it may not be. But Mr.

Obama Vows Retaliation Against "Russia Hacking", To Hold Press Conference On Friday

Obama Vows Retaliation Against "Russia Hacking", To Hold Press Conference On Friday

With last night's top nationwide story, the NBC report that according to unnamed CIA sources, Vladimir Putin himself supervised the hacking of the US presidential election (it is still unclear precisely how Putin "hacked the election", or for that matter, what if any proof exists ), making the rounds and as of this moment having been placed front and center on the front page of ...

... it was obvious that this story was not going away just four days before the Dec. 19, Electoral College vote.

"But I Thought the Cold War Was Supposed to Have Been About Ideology"

"But I Thought the Cold War Was Supposed to Have Been About Ideology"

Submitted by Eric Zuesse via,

Was the Cold War against communism, or against Russia? Russia was our ally in World War II, and we’d have a Nazi world today if 26 million Russians hadn’t died from Hitler’s bombs and attacks while Russia fought on with courage amidst desperation, finally to crush his regime. 
