Larry Nichols Headline: They Will Steal the Vote On December 19th.
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Larry Nichols headline: They will steal the vote on December 19th.
Trader Scott's Market Blog:
Larry Nichols headline: They will steal the vote on December 19th.
While all of the mainstream media and anonymous CIA sources claim that Russia was behind the hacks of the emails from the Democratic National Committee and top Clinton aide John Podesta, the truth has been revealed to be completely different.
By way of background, top American intelligence veterans say that it was a leak, not a hack. And see this.
Even the head of U.S. intelligence - James Clapper - testified yesterday that the connection between Russia and Wikileaks is weak.
In an unexpected reversal, President Obama declined to sign a renewal of existing sanctions against Iran but let it become law anyway, in an apparent bid to alleviate Tehran’s concerns that the U.S. is backsliding on the nuclear agreement. The White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Obama had decided to let it become law without his signature. Press TV reports: The US Senate passed a 10-year extension of the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) on December 1, sending the measure to the White House for Obama to sign into law.
Electors around the country are being harassed with a barrage of emails, phone calls, letters and even death threats, in an effort to block Donald Trump from being voted in as president by the Electoral College on Monday. Of course, with the mainstream media and democrats pushing the dangerous narrative that Putin basically usurped our democracy, it's no wonder that disaffected Hillary snowflakes are growing more "triggered" with each passing day.
The battle for Aleppo is over, and Assad has won, with AP quoting the Syrian leader that "history is being made with the defeat" of the insurgents contained in the city.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Thursday the events taking place in the city of Aleppo are a historic moment, and said the world will be different after what he called the "liberation of Aleppo".