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Germany To Make ‘Fake News’ Punishable By Prison

Authorities in Germany may make it a criminal offence for websites to publish anything deemed to be ‘fake news’ – resulting in prison time for offenders.  Following widespread reports that Russian hackers influenced the outcome of the U.S. elections, German MPs have called for ‘fake news’ campaigns to be made into a crime, citing fears that Russia will affect the German elections in a similar way.

DHS Found Guilty Of Faking Russian Hacking Attempts

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have been caught posing as Russian agents and hacking into U.S. government computers. The Georgia Secretary of State’s Office say that 10 cyberattacks on its network were traced back to computer belonging to the DHS. reports: In an exclusive interview, a visibly frustrated Secretary of State Brian Kemp confirmed the attacks of different levels on his agency’s network over the last 10 months. He says they all traced back to DHS internet provider addresses.

Bombshell: FBI Resume Clinton Foundation Investigation

The FBI have resumed their criminal investigation into the Clinton Foundation, following the election of Donald Trump. Agents at FBI headquarters have confirmed that their New York field office are to continue the probe into issues of corruption and money laundering connected to the Clintons. reports: “There were no instructions to shut it down, to discontinue or to stand down on the investigation, but to continue its work,” the former official told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview.

Report: House Intelligence Committee Abruptly Cancels Briefing After CIA Declined to Attend

Report: House Intelligence Committee Abruptly Cancels Briefing After CIA Declined to Attend

The current hysteria over Russian interference doesn't infer that they hacked the voting itself, but instead made available true information about the Hillary Clinton campaign, by way of Wikileaks, which then swayed public opinion to vote in favor of Trump. In other words, Podesta, Clinton and their media shills are still corrupt bastards, beholden to Saudi Arabia and China -- but had the American people never learned about it via the Wikileaks, well then, they might've voted for her instead of Trump.

The Conspiracy To Shut Down Truth, Donald Trump, & The American People

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

There is circumstantial evidence that the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the rest of the presstitute media are part of a conspiracy with the oligarchs, the military/security complex, the Hillary Democrats, and neoconized Republicans to shut down the dissident Internet alternative media and to deny Donald Trump the presidency.
