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Daily Kos Founder Tells Readers: 'Be Happy For Coal Miners Losing Their Health Insurance'

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

On Monday, Markos “kos” Moulitsas, founder of the highly trafficked Daily Kos website penned an article that many have found deeply offensive titled, Be Happy for Coal Miners Losing Their Health Insurance. They’re Getting Exactly What They Voted for. Here’s some of what he wrote:

Clinton's Closest Advisors Blast Huma For Derailing Campaign

Clinton's Closest Advisors Blast Huma For Derailing Campaign

For 20 years Huma Abedin faithfully served Hillary Clinton, starting as a White House intern straight out of college during Bill's administration and rising to become her deputy chief of staff at the State Department (we can't even begin to imagine the amazing things she's witnessed).  In a New York Times Magazine article back in 2014, one Clinton aide described the relationship as an "amalgamation of adviser, best friend, confidante, and perhaps even surrogate daughter."

Harvard Professor Says He's Rallied Nearly Enough GOP Electors To Block Trump

Harvard University law professor Larry Lessig, who has been providing free legal counsel to "faithless electors" from the GOP considering voting against Trump, claims that 20 GOP Electoral College voters have contacted him and are seriously considering flipping their vote.  Of course, with 306 Electoral College votes assigned to Trump, it would only take 37 faithless GOP electors to block his presidency and push the election to Congress to decide.  Per Politico:
