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Poised For Collapse: How "Unrest Could Become Real Revolution" Inside America

There are many ways this could play out, but as's Mac Slavo notes, few could deny that any number of critical factors are coming to a head right here at home.

If economic collapse is particularly harsh, things could easily spiral out of control. Civil unrest could become the norm, and things could reach a very desperate point.


The New York Times Explains How It Became An "Instrument Of Russian Intelligence"

The New York Times Explains How It Became An "Instrument Of Russian Intelligence"

In a massive (in a literal sense, printing at 25 pages and over 8,000 words as there is little new information revealed in the piece itself) expose issued by the NYT tited "The Perfect Weapon: How Russian Cyberpower Invaded the U.S." and meant to piggyback on the WaPo's recent reporting and solidify the left-leaning media's case that Hillary lost the election, the New York Times try to summarize all the recent publicly available information on alleged Russian hackings of everything from the DNC server to the Podesta email.

Martin Armstrong Slams CIA "False Flag" To Cover Its Own Hack For Obama

Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,

Obama’s parting shot across the bow is his order of a full review into hacking aimed at influencing US elections going back to 2008.

Instead of targeting the CIA or the NSA, WikiLeaks went after an organization Democrats actually care about - the Democratic National Committee - and exposed its internal corruption. If Obama could, he would declare Wikileaks a Terrorist Organization and anyone who published its stuff should be thrown in prison.

Kissinger On Trump World Order: "The President-Elect Is A Personality... American Policy Evolving"

Kissinger On Trump World Order: "The President-Elect Is A Personality... American Policy Evolving"

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

A now-ancient Henry Kissinger is still the de facto manager of the Anglo-establishment wing of the new world order. And he still holds tremendous power and influence over world affairs.

And in true fashion, the realpolitik mastermind is prepared to embrace any president, just made remarks urging people not to prejudge Donald Trump – because his administration could create some useful policy.

It seems that President-elect Trump could become a good disciple after all.
