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Angry Dems Play The Blame Game Over Hillary Loss As the Infighting Escalates

Angry democrats are lashing out at anyone and anything they think contributed to Hillary's loss while vehemently igoring the simple fact that Hillary, and her many scandals, were the unilateral reason for their crushing defeat.  Be that as it may, it is far easier to blame some combination of Bernie Sanders, Putin, James Comey, "Fake News", Julian Assange, White Supremacists, The Electoral College, Jill Stein...and the list goes on and on.

Of course, as we recently noted, Obama has decided to focus his blame on Fox News and other "fake news" outlets.

Putin Says Trump Is "A Smart Man", Will Adapt To Responsibilities As "Unipolar World Model Fails"

Following Trump's phone call on Friday evening with the Taiwan president, which led to scathing response by the US press and diplomatic corps, both of which were shocked to see Trump threaten the "One China" status quo by taking foreign policy matters into his own hands (the same media and diplomats who were just as shocked to see Trump win the presidential election) , on Sunday morning Trump got some words of encouragement from none other than Vladimir Putin, who in an interview with Russian NTV TV, said that Trump is "a clever man" and will quickly adapt to his new responsibilities and ne

Austria Freedom Party Candidate Hofer Concedes Defeat; Green Party-Backed Candidate Declared Winner

Austria Freedom Party Candidate Hofer Concedes Defeat; Green Party-Backed Candidate Declared Winner

Update 3: The campaign manger of the Hofer campaign has conceded the presidential election.

Is The Donald trumped? Clinton scheming to seize the White House through backdoor

Is The Donald trumped? Clinton scheming to seize the White House through backdoor

Robert Bridge

The United States is so corrupt that the scenario presented by Robert Bridge is possible.
It was stupid or corrupt of Jill Stein to have set this possibility in motion.
