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Trump Team Confirms Dakota Access Support Has "Nothing To Do With Personal Investments" In Pipeline Builder

Trump Team Confirms Dakota Access Support Has "Nothing To Do With Personal Investments" In Pipeline Builder

'Winter is coming' in North Dakota but as over 2000 veterans arrive to provide a human shield for the 'water protestors', president-elect Donald Trump said for the first time that he supports completion of the pipeline project near a North Dakota Indian reservation. Reassuringly his team confirmed that his support "has nothing to do with his personal investments" in Energy Transfer Partners - the company building the pipeline.


Nick Cannon: Hillary Clinton Attempted Genocide On African-Americans

Nick Cannon has blasted Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood for promoting “modern day eugenics” and trying to stop African-Americans breeding in an attempt at genocide. When approached by Splash News to comment on his anti-Planned Parenthood remarks from last week, Cannon said the organization is participating in “modern day eugenics” and is planning to “take our community” and commit genocide against African-Americans. Eugenics is the controlled breeding of a population to increase the occurrence of “desirable characteristics”.

Fake News: Newsweek Admits They Didn't Write Or Even Read "Madam President" Issue

Newsweek's political editor, Matthew Cooper, looked as though he'd had a rough month when he appeared on the Tucker Carlson show last night to discuss the "Madam President" debacle.  While the printing and distribution of the erroneous "commemorative edition" magazine was embarrassing enough, Cooper also revealed that no one at Newsweek wrote the Hillary article or even bothered to proofread it before it was shipped off to stores around the country. 

George Soros Linked To “Pizzagate” Pedo Scandal

Billionaire Clinton donor George Soros has been linked to a Washington D.C. pedophile scandal known as “pizzagate” by internet detectives on Reddit. According to the Federal Election Commission, Soros gave Comet Ping Pong, a pizzeria in the middle of a huge pedophile scandal implicating many top politicians, tens of thousands of dollars. According to Reddit: George Soros linked to Comet Ping Pong. $21864.25 sent to Comet Ping Pong from American Bridge PAC.

CIA: Hundreds Of Agents Routinely Create ‘Fake News’

The CIA admitted as far back as 1975 that they routinely use agents to create “fake news” in order to influence the general public and manipulate the thoughts and values of Americans. The CIA Director admitted to the U.S. Senate that over 400 agents gave the corporate owned media “made-up stories”, including fake news about the assassination of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King.
