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Pentagon No-Fly Zone Over Syria Prompts Russia War Fears

On November 15, Congress passed a resolution to impose a no-fly zone over Syria, which experts are warning will result in a U.S. war with Russia.  House Resolution 5732, otherwise known as the “Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act,” means that America can now shoot down Russian warplanes operating in the region. reports: Soon after the presidential election, key warmongers in Congress began formulating plans to make increased conflict a near certainty, complete with the kind of propaganda peddled before the Iraq attack.

Is This The Democrats' Real Strategy In Launching Recounts?

Is This The Democrats' Real Strategy In Launching Recounts?

Over the past couple of days we've written numerous times about Jill Stein's recount efforts in WI, MI and PA (see here, here and here).  And while it's clear that Stein intends to move forward with recounts in all three states (she's now up to $6.1mm in donations), what is unclear, and quite perplexing, is exactly why she's pursuing these recounts in the first place.  Here are the potential justifications from Stein's perspective, as we see them:

Washington’s Puppet, Tony Blair, Faces New Charges

Washington’s Puppet, Tony Blair, Faces New Charges

When Will the Clintons, George W. Bush, Dick Chaney, and Obama join Blair in the Dock?

The British government, despite its systematic corruption by the money and power of Washington, remains more honorable than any other Western government. Washington’s agent, former PM Tony Blair, may yet be held accountable for his vast crimes by the British people.

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