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Scientists Find "Persuasive Evidence" Of Vote Hacking, Demand Clinton Recount In 3 States

Scientists Find "Persuasive Evidence" Of Vote Hacking, Demand Clinton Recount In 3 States

Between the so-called 'Hursti Hack', questions over Soros-linked voting machines, some peculiarities in Texas, and the media furore over Trump's democracy-threatening questioning of the election outcome; it is perhaps ironic that, after being soundly beaten across the vast majority of counties in America, NY Mag reports, a group of prominent computer scientists and election lawyers are urging the Clinton campaign to call for a recount in three swing states won by Donald Trump after alledgedly finding "persuasive evidence" of vote hacking.

Newt Gingrich Wants To Be Trump’s ‘Senior Planner’

Newt Gingrich has reiterated his desire to be a “senior planner” for President-elect Donald Trump. The former-House speaker has repeatedly said he doesn’t want the Secretary of State post or other high-profile job in the Trump Administration but rather a new type of role with the authority to review any department and any federal agency and to report to the president on his findings.

Norwegian City Approves Boycott Of Israeli Settlement Goods

The third largest city in Norway has voted to boycott all goods and services produced in illegal Israeli settlements located in the occupied Palestinian territories. NORWAY: Trondheim City Council votes to boycott Israeli settlement goods — Stolen Beauty (@BoycottAhava) November 18, 2016 The resolution stated that Israel continues to aggressively pursue its policy of occupation.
