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Turkey’s Erdogan Warns Germany Not To Recognise Armenian Genocide

Turkish President Erdogan has issued an angry warning to Germany, saying that if they dare to recognise the Armenian genocide, Turkey will cut off diplomatic ties with the country.  Following the Berlin vote to officially recognise the mass-killings of Armenians by Ottoman forces in the First World War as an “act of genocide,” Erdogan hit back by delivering a furious televised speech in Turkey. reports: Turkey would never accept the charge that Ottoman troops were guilty of “genocide”, he said.

Assad’s Army To Confront ISIS With Russia

Assad’s military forces have entered the province of Raqqa in order to confront ISIS for the first time since 2014.  Syrian regime forces alongside Russian forces have entered Raqqa with the aim of eliminating ISIS’ Syrian headquarters and regaining control of the area. reports: On Saturday, Bashar al-Assad’s army entered into the province of Raqqa for the first time since IS conquered large areas of northern Syria in 2014, reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) today.

Trump Victory Would Mend US-Russian Relations: Top Moscow Senator

Trump Victory Would Mend US-Russian Relations: Top Moscow Senator

While the US political and financial establishment has been firmly opposed to a Trump presidency, an unexpected supporter for the presumptive GOP candidate has emerged in Russia, where the head of the Russian Upper House Committee for Foreign Relations, Konstantin Kosachev, said that a victory for Donald Trump in the US presidential elections would provide the "shake up" Washington needs and could be the catalyst to reverse the rapidly deteriorating trend in US-Russian relations.
