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Trump’s Foreign Policy Speech

Trump’s foreign policy speech yesterday veered between a few sensible comments and a large number of contradictory and worrisome assertions. Like previous Trump statements on foreign policy, this speech was all over the map. While he insisted on the importance of a coherent foreign policy, he demonstrated that he does not have one. The speech offered his supporters and detractors material to justify their earlier opinions of him, but offered too few specific commitments to give us a clear idea of how Trump would handle a wide range of international issues.

Did Trump Kill Reaganism?

Yes, says Bill Galston, contending that “Donald Trump is waging and winning the third major revolution in the Republican Party since World War II.” First there was Eisenhower reconciling the GOP with the New Deal. Then there was Reagan, who wrought a “remarkable fusion of supply-side economics, anti-Soviet internationalism and social conservatism.” And now? Excerpt:

Labour Party Suspends Ken Livingstone After Hitler Remarks

The Labour party has suspended Ken Livingstone “for bringing the party into disrepute” after MPs accused him of antisemitism and making offensive comments about Hitler supporting Zionism. The former mayor of London and veteran politician said that the accusations of antisemitism were part of a campaign against the Labour leader. “Frankly, there’s been an attempt to smear Jeremy Corbyn and his associates as antisemitic from the moment he became leader.

Congress Fixes "Sexist" Draft - Votes To Require Women To Register For Selection

With all the problems facing America - both at home and abroad - The House Armed Services Committee decided on Wednesday to solve one of the nation's crucial "problems" - a "sexist draft."

As reports on Wednesday the committee approved (by a narrow margin) an amendment to a defense bill to require women to register for the draft.
