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UN Orders Saudi Arabia To Stop Using Torture To Extract Confessions

The United Nations torture committee has condemned Saudi Arabia’s torture program, calling on the Saudi regime to stop imposing physical punishments, including flogging and amputations, in order to extract fake confessions from prisoners.  The UN says it is concerned with the abuse of bloggers, activists and human rights lawyers who are facing a hellish experience at the hands of the brutal Saudi regime in their prison system.

Swedish Muslim Politician Quits After Refusing To Shake Women's Hands

Swedish Muslim Politician Quits After Refusing To Shake Women's Hands

As if Sweden wasn't troubled enough, The Local reports that another Green Party politician, who ignited a storm of controversy after refusing to shake hands with a female reporter on grounds that it violated his Muslim faith, announced on Wednesday that he was quitting politics. This follows the resignation of Sweden's housing minister following a week of mounting controversy over his contacts with Islamic organisations and Turkish ultranationalists.

Why US Government And Saudi Arabia Don't Want Americans Knowing The Truth About 9/11


In a rare show of bipartisanship, President Obama and top Republicans in Congress have come together to shield Americans from knowing the truth about who was behind the 9/11 terror attacks, which took the lives of 2996 people in 2001. However strange it is for neoconservative members of Congress to agree with Obama on anything, there is no doubt the issue must be serious if it warrants this level of partnership.

Rupert Murdoch’s Vice Magazine Attacks Conspiracy Theorists

Rupert Murdoch owned publication, Vice magazine, has launched a war against conspiracy theorists in its latest issue this April 2016.  According to Vice, a former conspiracy theorist who claims the world of conspiracies is a big “cult”, represents the entire world of alternative media which they say needs to be shut down. Stephanie Wittschier told Vice Magazine that “truthers” (or conspiracy theorists) are dangerous nazi’s who want to lure people into joining their dangerous cult.

Turkey Demands EU Countries Report Anyone Who Insults Their Leader

Turkey have issued orders to various European countries, including the Netherlands, that it should report any “derogatory” or “defamatory” remarks made about its President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a move that many European leaders have condemned as entirely fascist.  According to an email sent out by Ankara’s consulate in Rotterdam, anyone caught insulting Erdogan should be reported immediately to Turkey so that they can be “dealt with” by the Turkish regime.
