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Russian Spetsnaz Commandos In Syria

Russian ‘Spetsnaz’ special forces commandos have been in Syria since 2014. But what are the deadly forces doing there? Russia Insider explains: Russia reported that a key element in the Syrian conquest of Palmyra in late March 2016 was the presence of Spetsnaz commandos with the Syrian troops. As expected the Spetsnaz served as ground controllers to call in air strikes by Russian bombers and helicopter gunships. Spetsnaz also used their reconnaissance skills to find ISIL positions and call in Syrian troops or an airstrike.

Trump Wins New York By a Mile

Donald Trump won his home state of New York as expected by a very wide margin. With 66% reporting, Trump had just under 60% of the vote with Kasich at 25% and Cruz at 15%. New York allocates its delegates mostly by Congressional district, but both the districts and the at-large delegates have a 50% winner-take-all trigger. Trump’s victory was so large across the entire state that he is on track to win all but a handful of the state’s 95 delegates.

Chaotic New York Primaries As Thousands Claim Election Fraud

Voters have described scenes of complete chaos during Tuesday’s New York primaries, as people report being turned away from closed polling stations, and broken machines not allowing them to cast their vote. In Brooklyn residents at PS 73 in  Bushwick reported that despite waiting in line since 6 a.m. in the morning workers told them that they couldn’t access the keys to the facility and informed them they should go home. “You can’t vote nor cast any type of ballot. They (the keys to the building) are in a locked box and no one has the key,” voter Torsha Childs wrote on Facebook.

Bombshell: Arizona Secretary Of State Admits Election Fraud Took Place

Arziona’s Secretary of State, Michele Reagan, has confirmed that election fraud took place during the Arizona primaries on March 22.  During explosive testimony given at the Arizona state capitol in Phoenix, Reagan confirmed that election fraud had indeed taken place when asked about the deliberate tampering of voter registrations before the primary election took place.
