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McAdams Warns US Empire Is "Too Fragile" For A Free Press

The US Congress yesterday revoked press credentials for the Russia-backed RT America television station, claiming RT's new "foreign agent" status disqualified it from conducting journalism on Capitol Hill.

RPI Director Daniel McAdams appeared on RT's The Ed Shultz Show to criticize the move on the grounds that the US government should not attempt to prevent Americans from viewing whatever media they choose.

From The Archives: Obama Administration Confirms "No Problem" With Flynn Contacting Foreign Officials

As we detailed yesterday, ABC was forced to retract an epic mistake in their reporting that claimed contact between Trump staff (Flynn) and Russian officials 'druing the campaign' - correcting it to point out that it was in fact 'during the transition'.

President Trump tweeted his perspective, confirming the new 'facts' from ABC...

Israel Has Built A Robot Army (And It Should Scare The Sh*t Out Of You)

Israel Has Built A Robot Army (And It Should Scare The Sh*t Out Of You)

Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

As Israel prepares for yet another war directly on its border, the truth about Israel’s vast military capabilities has been largely absent in the corporate media.

However, if one were to be fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to be able to travel to Israel’s border with Syria in the north and the Gaza strip in the south, they might see what looks more or less like a scene from RoboCop.

The Path To Impeachment

The Path To Impeachment

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

What constitutes an impeachable offense?

Yesterday in The Internecine Deep State Conflict Moves to Stage Two I suggested that the conflict was heating up, a move confirmed by former Trump advisor Michael Flynn's guilty plea that he lied to the F.B.I. regarding his contact with Russian officials.

How A Dubious BBC Report Gave Israel The "Green Light" For Last Night's Attack On Syria

How A Dubious BBC Report Gave Israel The "Green Light" For Last Night's Attack On Syria

Syrian state television has confirmed that Israel attacked a military base outside of Damascus overnight on Friday, which Israeli media reports involved both surface-to-surface missiles and airstrikes, while Syria says its air defense systems were engaged and intercepted two missiles. Like other recent strikes inside Syria, the Israeli jets reportedly fired from over Lebanese airspace, in order to avoid both Syrian anti-aircraft missile systems and provoking a Russian response.
