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Goldman On Doha: "Bearish For Prices ", Expect "High Price Volatility"; Saudi Oil Production May Jump

When it comes to skewering logic, cause and effect, and simple facts, nobody does it quite like Goldman. Which is why when we got the just released post-mortem of the Doha deal from Goldman's energy analysts Courvalin and Jeffrey "short gold" Currie, we fully expected them to spin today's unprecedented OPEC failure into a bullish catalyst. Not even they were so bold.

Netanyahu Says Israel Will Never Withdraw From The Golan Heights

The Israeli Prime Minister has said that Tel Aviv will never withdraw from the Golan Heights, an area captured from Syria in 1967. Benjamin Netanyahu claims the strategic plateau bordering Syria has been in Israeli hands “since antiquity” and will forever stay that way. RT reports: While the UN-led peace talks on the future of war-torn Syria take place in Geneva, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called the first-ever cabinet meeting on the Golan Heights to declare that Tel Aviv will not take a single step back from the annexed region.

"Projectile Dysfunction" - North Korea's Latest Missile Launch Has Failed

"Projectile Dysfunction" - North Korea's Latest Missile Launch Has Failed

Using one of the best opening lines ever, NBC reports that in celebration of North Korea's founding leader Kim ll-Sung's birthday (grandfather of current leader Kim Jong-Un), North Korea tried to launch a missile off its eastern coast early Friday.

The launch was a dismal failure according to Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis, who said that it was "a firey, catastrophic attempt at a launch that was unsuccessful."

The failure lead to this excellently crafted opening line from NBC's Stella Kim
