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Netanyahu Says Israel Will Never Withdraw From The Golan Heights

The Israeli Prime Minister has said that Tel Aviv will never withdraw from the Golan Heights, an area captured from Syria in 1967. Benjamin Netanyahu claims the strategic plateau bordering Syria has been in Israeli hands “since antiquity” and will forever stay that way. RT reports: While the UN-led peace talks on the future of war-torn Syria take place in Geneva, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called the first-ever cabinet meeting on the Golan Heights to declare that Tel Aviv will not take a single step back from the annexed region. “It is time that the international community recognized reality,” Netanyahu was quoted as saying by The Times of Israel. “Whatever happens on the other side of the [Syrian] border, the border itself will not move.” “And secondly,” Netanyahu added, “the time has come after 40 years for the international community to finally recognize that the Golan Heights will remain under Israeli sovereignty forever.” The strategically important Golan Heights stretch from the Syrian border to that of Israel, with the two-thirds of the area being under Israeli occupation following the 1967 Six Day War. In 1981, Israel annexed the Golan, extended its jurisdiction throughout the territory and began massive [...]