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Facebook Employees Consider Thwarting Donald Trump Presidency Campaign

Facebook employees have urged CEO Mark Zuckerberg to prevent a Donald Trump presidency in 2017 – by asking him to outline a plan that will thwart his ability to campaign on social media.  Zuckerberg partially addressed the issues raised by employees on an internal poll, by denouncing the political positions of Trump’s presidential campaign during a keynote speech at the annual F8 developer conference this week. “I hear fearful voices calling for building walls and distancing people they label as ‘others,’” Zuckerberg said.

Hillary Clinton Phone Transcripts Prove Benghazi Was Pre-planned

The State Department have reluctantly agreed to release telephone transcripts that prove former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was fully aware that the Benghazi attack was preplanned before the release of an online protest film.  Clinton has, until now, claimed that she believed the attacks were due to “inflammatory material posted on the Internet”. reports: From BizPacReview: The conservative political watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained a transcript of telephone call between the then-secretary of state and then-Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil.

Israel Military’s Growing Struggle With Religious Zionists

In July of 2014, at the height of preparation for the worst conflict between Israel and Palestine in recent history, Israeli troops gathered at the Gaza border. Hamas had been firing rockets into Israel for days at this point and Israel warplanes were now beginning to bomb Palestine. The St. Louis Post Gazette reports: The orders for the Givati brigade, an elite infantry unit, came in a typed, single-page letter.
