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Facebook Employees Consider Thwarting Donald Trump Presidency Campaign

Facebook employees have urged CEO Mark Zuckerberg to prevent a Donald Trump presidency in 2017 – by asking him to outline a plan that will thwart his ability to campaign on social media.  Zuckerberg partially addressed the issues raised by employees on an internal poll, by denouncing the political positions of Trump’s presidential campaign during a keynote speech at the annual F8 developer conference this week. “I hear fearful voices calling for building walls and distancing people they label as ‘others,’” Zuckerberg said. “I hear them calling for blocking free expression, for slowing immigration, for reducing trade, and in some cases, even for cutting access to the internet.” reports: Last month, some Facebook employees used a company poll to ask Zuckerberg whether the company should try “to help prevent President Trump in 2017.” Every week, Facebook employees vote in an internal poll on what they want to ask Zuckerberg in an upcoming Q&A session. A question from the March 4 poll was: “What responsibility does Facebook have to help prevent President Trump in 2017?” A screenshot of the poll, given to Gizmodo, shows the question as the fifth most popular. It’s not particularly surprising the question was asked, or [...]