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The Government Breaks Through On Deficit Reduction, Will Lower Social Security Payments

The Government Breaks Through On Deficit Reduction, Will Lower Social Security Payments

It's well known that the US government is broke, and if it used accrual accounting instead of cash accounting it would be staggeringly worse, as all of its future liabilities would be shown. Knowing this, government officials are working tirelessly (and even on some weekends, much to the dismay of Jack Lew) to find ways to reduce spending. 

Thanks to all of those long nights scrubbing the budget line by line, a way to save costs has finally been found. As MarketWatch reports,

Ryan Rejects “Neocon” Label, But Keeps the Hard-line Foreign Policy

John Hudson reports on Paul Ryan’s recent foreign policy remarks:

When asked to elaborate on his own foreign policy doctrine, Ryan pointed to a speech he gave to the Alexander Hamilton Society in 2011 warning about the dangers of a “world without U.S. leadership.” The address was originally plucked from obscurity when the Wall Street Journal’s hawkish columnist Bret Stephens heralded it as a masterful “neocon manifesto.” But on Thursday, Ryan made clear the neoconservative banner is not something he’d like to fly behind.

Do Ongoing Global Events Prove The World Is Ready For Revolution?

Do Ongoing Global Events Prove The World Is Ready For Revolution?

Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

Paralleling the increasingly draconian policies marking a worldwide descent into fascism, are massive protests — born in the Arab Spring, but arguably an angrier, more potent extension of the Occupy movement — indicative of an unprecedented tipping point.


We, the people of this planet, now stand together, gazing over the precipice whose murky depths of State repression demand we ask one imperative question: have we finally had enough?
