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"Free Stuff" Isn't All That It's Cracked Up to Be

Submitted by Louis Rouanet via The Mises Institute,

To my British and American friends who must deal with the socialist nonsense of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn, I found this poem. It was written by Rudyard Kipling, the writer most hated by English Socialists in the 40s and an opponent to the interventionist policies implemented by the Labour Party after the second world war:

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,


By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;


Ken Livingstone Says Cameron Should Be Sent To Prison

Former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone asks for Prime Minister David Cameron to resign following revelations of dodgy tax dealings by his father. Prime Minister Cameron is facing a lot of criticism for the small inheritance that was bequeathed to him by his late father in a will. The former mayor of London blames the Prime Minister and his party for all the financial woes of the last few decades, when Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher started an economic experiment. Russia Today reports: Livingstone said the Panama Papers scandal is “incredibly damaging” for the PM.

Hillary Clinton's "Insurmountable" Lead Is Fuzzy Math

Authored by Darrel Delamaide via,

The mainstream media is misleading the public by adopting a “fuzzy math” in treating the delegate counts for the Democratic nominating convention as carved in stone.

Given its bias against Donald Trump, the media are happy to parrot the Republican establishment’s prediction that their convention in Cleveland will be an “open convention” — that is, open to manipulation by the apparatchiks and the rules they set.

Al Qaeda Is the Only Winner in Yemen

Reuters reports on the growing power of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), which has been made possible in large part by the Saudi-led war on Yemen supported by the U.S.:

If Islamic State’s capital is the Syrian city of Raqqa, then al Qaeda’s is Mukalla, a southeastern Yemeni port city of 500,000 people. Al Qaeda fighters there have abolished taxes for local residents, operate speedboats manned by RPG-wielding fighters who impose fees on ship traffic, and make propaganda videos in which they boast about paving local roads and stocking hospitals.

Britain Uses Legal Loophole To Fight Covert War In Yemen

An investigation has uncovered Britain’s secret mission in Yemen using special forces to help American covert operations. Britain has used a loophole to get around its human rights obligations and has deployed soldiers under the guise of special intelligence operatives rather than special reconnaissance soldiers. Russia Today reports: Embedded with British foreign intelligence agency MI6, undercover troops from the Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) operated in support of the Yemeni regime and US foreign policy goals before the 2014/15 revolution.
