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Department Of Justice Launches Inquiry Into Arizona Primary

The Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice is launching an investigation into last month’s Arizona Democratic primary. Thousands of voters waited for long hours to cast their ballots even while Hillary Clinton was being declared the winner. 100,000 people have signed a petition demanding a revote in Arizona claiming their voting rights were infringed. Gawker reports: In a letter to the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office, the Justice Department said it was looking to find out if the county followed federal elections law during the March 22nd primary.

'Economic Models' Forecast GOP White House (With Or Without Trump)

'Economic Models' Forecast GOP White House (With Or Without Trump)

Despite bookies' odds at 66% that The Democratic Party will win The White House in November, economic models predict a Republican victory (with or without Trump).



As The Hill reports, Republicans are expected to win the White House under two economic models that have accurately forecast presidential elections for decades. A third model run by Moody’s Analytics predicts Democrats will win the White House, in part because of President Obama’s rising approval rating.
