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The End Of Europe As We Know It?

Submitted by Dan Steinbock via The Difference Group,

As the Eurozone is amid secular stagnation, its old fiscal, monetary and banking challenges are escalating, along with new threats, including the Brexit, demise of Schengen, anti-EU opposition and geopolitical friction. According to Dan Steinbock, Brussels can no longer avoid hard political decisions for or against an integrated Europe, with or without the euro.

US Gov Admit CIA Militias Fighting Pentagon Militias In Fake Syria War

The LA Times have uncovered evidence that both CIA and Pentagon-backed militias in Syria have been ordered to fight each other, exposing the fake U.S. war in the region.  According to the article: The fighting has intensified over the last two months, as CIA-armed units and Pentagon-armed ones have repeatedly shot at each other while maneuvering through contested territory on the northern outskirts of Aleppo, U.S. officials and rebel leaders have confirmed.

NATO Jets Follow Russian Defense Plane In Deliberate Provocation

Russia have accused NATO of military provocation after NATO fighter jets followed Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu’s plane over the Baltic Sea this week.  Shoigu was heading towards Kaliningrad over neutral waters when his plane was shadowed by a group of NATO fighters from 2 kilometers behind. reports: The NATO jets did not approach the defense minister’s plane, which was escorted by several Su-27 fighter jets, according to pool correspondents of RIA Novosti, TASS and Interfax, who were on the same plane as the defense minister.
