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GOP Releases All 479 Pages Of The Tax Reform Bill - "Vote-A-Rama" Begins

The Senate tax bill is headed for a potentially unlimited series of decisions on possible amendments - known as “vote-a-rama” - as the full text of the revised bill has just been released.

As Bloomberg reports, it’s unclear how long that process might take, though we do note that unlike Obamacare, Senators will at least get to see what's in the bill before they vote on it.

Democrats could spend hours offering numerous amendments meant to highlight any flaws they believe the bill contains.

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"We Need To Find That Guy": New Docs Reveal FBI Focus On Leaker In Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting

"We Need To Find That Guy": New Docs Reveal FBI Focus On Leaker In Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting

Back on June 29, 2016, Obama's Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, tried to convince us that the following 'impromptu' meeting between herself and Bill Clinton at the Phoenix airport, a private meeting which lasted 30 minutes on Lynch's private plane, was mostly a "social meeting" in which Bill talked about his grandchildren and golf game.  It was not, under any circumstances, related to the statement that former FBI Director James Comey made just 6 days later clearing Hillary Clinton of any alleged crimes related to his agency's investigation.

John Podesta Lashes Out At Feminist Over Pizzagate Question At Duke University

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Former Clinton campaign manager John Podesta jumped down the throat of feminist and Political Science major Nicole Kiprilov in front of 300 people at Duke University Wednesday, after the undergrad asked Podesta questions about how he responds to various controversies including ‘Pizzagate,’ Uranium One, The Podesta Group, and Joule Unlimited – a now-defunct Boston green energy company Podesta sat on the board of along with to two Russian officials, which received $35 million from the Kremlin while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.

Kushner Said To Have Ordered Flynn To Contact Russia

Kushner Said To Have Ordered Flynn To Contact Russia

When commenting on the Flynn plea deal with Mueller, we said that while hardly evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia, especially since all events took place after the election, the real question is who was the "senior member of the transition team" that instructed Flynn to call Russia. Now, according to Bloomberg's Eli Lake we may have the answer: none other than Jared Kushner, who as Lake says, "could be one of the next dominoes to fall."
