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Teenager Arrested After Threatening Trump On Social Media

United States Secret Service Agents have arrested an unnamed teenager from Georgia for issuing death threats against Presidential Candidate Donald Trump on social media.  Investigators with the Troup County Sheriff’s Office have confirmed that the upon discovering the death threats made by a 16-year-old, they immediately notified the FBI/USSS task force. The teenager will be charged with making terrorist threats and acts against a Presidential Candidate. ABC News reports: The teen’s name hasn’t been released, and neither has the exact nature of the alleged threat.

Board Game That Predicted 9/11 Attacks, Says World War 3 ‘Imminent’

Steve Jackson’s Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy was originally released in 1982, and many believe the game has already predicted major events that have come to pass, including: the 9/11 attacks, Princess Diana’s death, and the Japanese tsunami.  Worryingly, the game predicts that we are about to experience an “imminent” nuclear attack that will spark the beginning of World War 3. The image below was drawn on a card taken from the 1990s board game showing what appears to be an eerie representation of the 9/11 terror attacks – years before it actually occurred.

Obama’s Visit to Cuba

President Obama delivered an interesting speech in Havana during his visit to Cuba in which he touted the benefits of normalization, promoted liberal principles, and called for an end to the embargo. Obama correctly observed that his visit to the island was the end of an outdated policy left over from the Cold War, and he said as much:

I have come here to bury the last remnant of the Cold War in the Americas. I have come here to extend the hand of friendship to the Cuban people.

Turkish Leader Days Before Attack: “Bombs Will Go Off In Brussels”

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan had predicted the Brussels attacks over a week ago, warning European countries that they were likely to become the victim of terrorist attacks similar to the car bombing in Ankara on March 13.  Erdogan singled out Brussels in a speech last week, saying “There is no reason why the bomb that exploded in Ankara cannot explode in Brussels, in any other European city,” during a speech in Canakkale.

Security Chief Warns Brussels Attacks ‘Training’ For Something Bigger

Russian security chief, Franz Klintsevich, has warned that the terrorist attacks in Brussels may just be a ‘training exercise’ in the run up to a much larger terrorist attack in Europe in the coming months.  Klintsevich thinks that the UEFA European Championships this June may one of the possible targets ISIS are planning to attack.
