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Belgium Ignored Warning From Turkey On Brussels Bomber, Erdogan Says

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a man who knows something about "terrorists." After all, he's surrounded by them. Kurds are terrorists. Opposition lawmakers are terrorists. Journalists are terrorists. Lawyers are terrorists. Hell, even teachers are terrorists in Turkey these days.

Fortunately, Erdogan knows how to deal with the "problem." Ideally you kill them, but if for whatever reason that's not possible (turns out some people get all hung up over the whole "human rights" thing), you throw them in jail or you deport them. 

The other thing about Erdogan is that he's an exceptionally benevolent man who just wants to help, which is why when he finds a militant he can't kill and needs instead to deport, he likes to warn his "friends" in the EU that he's sending trouble their way. On Wednesday, Erdogan claimed one of the Brussels attackers was deported to Belgium in June after Ankara determined that he was a "foreign fighter". Here's AP:

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said one of the Brussels attackers was caught in Turkey in June and deported to Belgium.


Erdogan said Wednesday that the Belgian authorities released the suspect despite Turkish warnings that he was "a foreign fighter."


Erdogan did not name the attacker.


He said the man was detained at Turkey's border with Syria at Gaziantep and that Turkey formally notified Belgian authorities of his deportation on July 14.


Erdogan said "despite our warnings that this person was a foreign terrorist fighter, Belgium could not establish any links with terrorism."

Under the EU's new agreement with the Turks, Erdogan will effectively be responsible for vetting all Syrian refugees that enter Western Europe (that's part of the whole one-for-one swap arrangement).

For his trouble, he'll get as much as €6 billion from Brussels.

We suppose the above means the EU will be much safer now that Erdogan will be able to provide an early warning on potential jihadists. It's a good thing Ankara has never been suspected of having any ties to Sunni extremist elements...