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Romney: "I Am Repulsed By Trumpism... Vote For Cruz"; Trump Responds: "This Is Good For Me"

Having demanded that 'we, the people' vote for John Kasich, Mitt Romney has flip-flopped to support Cruz in his #NeverTrump crusade...

This week, in the Utah nominating caucus, I will vote for Senator Ted Cruz.


Today, there is a contest between Trumpism and Republicanism. Through the calculated statements of its leader, Trumpism has become associated with racism, misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, vulgarity and, most recently, threats and violence. I am repulsed by each and every one of these.


Russia Is Now America’s Number One Threat Says Pentagon Chief

Russia is now the United States’ number one threat, followed by China, North Korea and Iran according to Ash Carter The Pentagon Chief made his remarks during a a Senate hearing on the DoD’s (Department of Defense) 2017 budget request. ISIS appeared at the very end of the Pentagon’s ‘priorities list’. The terrorist group was overtaken by China, Iran and North Korea who were all described as “aggressive” countries.

WSJ Fires Back At Trump: "He Would Rather Walk Down Fifth Avenue And Shoot The Messenger"

In addition to the usual suspects (WaPo, HuffPo) over the past few days a new media nemesis has emerged for Trump: the Rupert Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal.

On Thursday, Trump posted several of tweets in response to a Journal editorial that criticized him for refusing to participate in a debate next week, for being unwilling to consult foreign policy experts and other issues. This is what he said:

John McCain Warns That Brexit Will ‘Strengthen’ Putin’s Hand

John McCain has become the latest critic from the US to intervene in the Brexit debate Wading into the EU referendum debate on Friday, the republican senator, who is no fan of Vladimir Putin, warned that if Britain should exit the EU it would leave Europe, America and the wider world at the mercy of Russian President. Important intervention by @SenJohnMcCain – UK membership of EU vital for security & prosperity of both Europe & U.S.

"This Is How Coups Start!": Brazil President Defiant As Impeachment Vote Set For April

"This Is How Coups Start!": Brazil President Defiant As Impeachment Vote Set For April

"Brazil is being governed by a joke,” political commentator Josias de Souza says. “It's turned into an aspiring banana republic."

What was already an unimaginably bad situation took a decisive turn for the worst this week in Brazil when embattled President Dilma Rousseff, fearing that her mentor Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was about to be arrested on corruption charges, appointed the former President to a ministerial position.
