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Detained Saudi Prince Buys His Freedom For $1 Billion

Detained Saudi Prince Buys His Freedom For $1 Billion

One day you were the billionaire head of the National Guard in one of the world’s most brutal dictatorships. Although that carries some risk, you were probably reassured by your position as a senior prince in the ruling family, never mind your strong ties to the US military... oh and of course the many zeros in your bank account. The next day, in a turn of events akin to Shakespearian drama, you were imprisoned (kind of) with ten of your fellow princes and a bunch of ministers and former ministers in a 5 star hotel on charges of money laundering, bribery and general corruption.

The End Of The Syrian War Is The Beginning Of A New Middle Eastern Order

The End Of The Syrian War Is The Beginning Of A New Middle Eastern Order

Authored by Federico Pieraccini via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

In the Middle East and beyond, we are witnessing a series of high-level political meetings between dozens of nations involved directly or indirectly in the Syrian situation. It is crucial to understand all this in order to understand the direction in which the region is going and what the new regional order is.

North Korea Warns "The Whole US Is In Range" After Successful Launch Of "New Type" Of ICBM

North Korea Warns "The Whole US Is In Range" After Successful Launch Of "New Type" Of ICBM

Following the successful test-firing of its longest range ICBM yet today, Yonhap News reports, citing North Korean media, that North Korea will make an important announcement at noon Seoul time (10:30pm ET).

Presumably, Kim's comments will be a braggadocio reaction to President Trump and General Mattis' comments (begins around 6:30):

Israeli Defense Minister Contradicts Netanyahu: "There Is No Iranian Military Force On Syrian Land"

Israeli Defense Minister Contradicts Netanyahu: "There Is No Iranian Military Force On Syrian Land"

As we've long pointed out, anytime that Israel carries out acts of aggression against Syria, it can just blame Iran or Hezbollah and escape international criticism or condemnation. International media and Western governments have already demonstrated a penchant for towing the Israeli line whenever Iran can be conceivably blamed as a culprit - evidence or no evidence - this as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made it official Israeli policy to oppose Iranian presence in Syria. 
