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Michigan and Mississippi Results

As expected, Trump won easily in Michigan and Mississippi. Trump threatened to get 50% in the primary down south, but didn’t quite get there. With 92% reporting, Trump had 48% of the vote to Cruz’s 36%. In Michigan, he was ahead of Kasich 37-24% with 73% reporting. Cruz posted a very respectable second-place result in Mississippi, and was slightly ahead of Kasich at the time of this writing. Cruz clearly has the best claim to be Trump’s top rival, and proved it again tonight.

Republican People’s Party Sues Turkish Government For Aiding ISIS

The Turkish opposition party has filed a criminal lawsuit against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accusing him of directly supporting ISIS.  The Republican People’s Party’s (CHP) have filed a criminal complaint on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, National Intelligence Organization (MİT) Chief Hakan Fidan and other officials on charges of “aiding and abetting a terrorist organization.” reports: CHP Deputy Chair Bülent Tezcan filed the complaints about Erdoğan, Davutoğlu, Fidan, Deputy Prime Minister Yalçın Akdoğan, Interior Minister Efkan

North Korea Says They Have Developed Mini Nuclear Weapons

Kim Jong-un has announced that North Korea have successfully developed a miniature nuclear warhead on Wednesday.  South Korea’s Yonhap news Agency says that Jong-un described the warhead as “a very great warhead that is designed in a reasonable structure that enables an instantaneous thermonuclear reaction using our own style of mixed explosives.”. reports: He called it a “tremendous” achievement and said the North had realized a “standardized” design, a term that would imply serial production.

Erdogan Seizes Control Of Another Turkish Newspaper

The Turkish government under President Erdogan’s orders have seized control of another newspaper in Turkey, in a further blow to free speech and independent media in the country.  The crackdown comes amid widespread censorship of independent press critical of Turkish regime, and comes days after Erdogan’s government seized control of Zaman daily. The Cihan news agency posted a note on its website late on Monday saying that an Istanbul court would appoint an administrator to run the agency.
