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All Eyes On Michigan As Trump, Hillary Edge Closer To Historic Showdown For America's Future

All Eyes On Michigan As Trump, Hillary Edge Closer To Historic Showdown For America's Future

Frontrunners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will both face fresh tests on Tuesday, in their respective quests for their party’s presidential nomination.

Trump put on a respectable, if less spectacular performance on Saturday, prevailing in Louisiana and Kentucky but falling to Ted Cruz in Kansas and Maine. As Bloomberg writes, “Trump’s victories also were narrower than polling had indicated, suggesting that attacks on his crude language and ill-defined policies from 2012 nominee Mitt Romney and others could be having an impact.”


Turkish Government Seize Control Of Another News Agency

The Turkish government has seized control of another news agency just days after the seizure of the popular opposition newspaper Zaman. The Chian news agency reported on its website on Monday that the operation had been carried out on the orders of a state prosecutor and that a court in the city would designate its current administrator’s replacement. The repressive move comes amid criticism from European officials over its crackdown on opposition media.

Trumpomania & Trumpopanic

Trumpomania & Trumpopanic

Submitted by Pater Tenebrarum via,

A Serious Contender with a Plan

Donald Trump has obviously become a serious contender for the Republican nomination (in spite of the fact that he has suffered a slight setback on Saturday). He has morphed from a “joke” that the pundits were absolutely sure “would soon flame out” to the leader of the pack. Funny enough, the only candidate who still might have a chance to catch up to him is Ted Cruz – whom the Republican establishment reportedly doesn’t really like all that much either.

