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Rubio’s Florida Endgame

Covering politics in Jacksonville, the largest city in the country led by a GOP mayor, I’ve had a unique perspective on presidential politics in the Sunshine State this cycle.

Mayor Lenny Curry was elected for many reasons, but one of them was that in early 2015, he was able to trumpet endorsements from Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio.

This was in the pre-Trump era, when Bush was considered the presumptive frontrunner, and Rubio was in the conversation.

Donald Trump Scares The Neocons

Life’s natural born winner and Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, keeps racking up victories in primaries and caucuses in defiance of common wisdom, and the fact has not escaped the well established Neocons who have their own agenda for the upcoming vacancy in the White House. Neoconservative pundit Anne Applebaum predicts “the end of the West as we know it,” should the Donald trump the establishment. The Neocon’s New World Order would come to an end just as it was about to enter its zenith.
