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T-Bill Anxiety Builds As Trump Tells 'Chuck And Nancy': "No Deal" On Government Shutdown

T-Bill Anxiety Builds As Trump Tells 'Chuck And Nancy': "No Deal" On Government Shutdown

Anxiety appears to be building in the Treasury Bill market once again as the yield spread between 12/7 and 12/21 widens to 12bps after President Trump cast doubt on whether he and congressional leaders can agree to keep the government funded.

As AP reports, Trump is meeting with Democratic and Republican congressional leaders at the White House on Tuesday to discuss budget and immigration issues.

But, in a tweet, Trump cast doubt on whether they can agree to fund the government beyond a Dec. 8 deadline.

"Make Or Break": Senators Push For Sweeping Changes To Tax Bill As GOP Leaders Struggle To Vote It Out Of Committee

"Make Or Break": Senators Push For Sweeping Changes To Tax Bill As GOP Leaders Struggle To Vote It Out Of Committee

With roughly 14 sessions of Congress left before the New Year break, the GOP’s chances of passing comprehensive tax reform by the end of the year – as the White House has promised to do - are looking increasingly remote. So far, the biggest obstacle – as with the Republicans disastrous failure to repeal and replace Obamacare – is the Senate, where disparate groups of lawmakers are opposing the bill for different, and sometimes contradictory, reasons.

Report: Obama-Appointed Federal Inspector Threatened By Clinton Campaign Over Email Investigation

Report: Obama-Appointed Federal Inspector Threatened By Clinton Campaign Over Email Investigation

Content originally published at

An Obama appointed government watchdog central to the Hillary Clinton email investigation says that he, his family and his office faced an ‘intense backlash‘ from Clinton allies, who threatened him over findings that Clinton mishandled classified information.
