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Erdogan Prosecutes 1,845 People For Daring To Insult Him

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused 1,845 people of insulting him, filing separate lawsuits against each person.  Erdogan has been accused of abusing his Presidential powers by aggressively utilising a law that prohibits members of the public from insulting the President. Among those accused include celebrities, journalists and schoolchildren. reports: Critics say Erdogan, who has been accused of increasing authoritarianism, even considers strong criticism as insults.

Jeb Bush’s Revenge

Rubio isn’t automatically inheriting Bush’s supporters and donors in Florida as he and his allies assumed he would:

Now with Bush out of the race, many Rubio supporters and campaign observers expected that the governor’s donors and active supporters would quickly switch allegiance to the senator. But that hasn’t happened.

“There’s a lot of people that are going to wait for Gov. Bush before they do anything, both monetarily and with their personal support,” said Will Weatherford, a former Florida House speaker who supported Bush before endorsing Rubio.

Bill Clinton Illegally Blocks Voters From Voting For Bernie (VIDEO)

On Super Tuesday in the key state of Massachusetts, former president Bill Clinton illegally entered a polling station to intimidate and prevent voters from casting their votes for Hillary Clinton’s rival, Bernie Sanders, in the already contentious race in the Democratic presidential primary.  Bernie Sanders has shocked the establishment media and the powerful Clinton political machine by gaining ground so quickly in the race and immense grassroots support which has elevated Sanders to an unprecedented level of popularity nationally.

How Wall Street Is Preparing For "President Trump"

While the market has had its share of bogeymen to worry about so far in 2016, mostly along the lines of the "Four Cs", namely China, Crude, Credit and Currencies, it has so far largely ignored one letter: the Big D, for Donald, as in how would a Trump presidency affect the market. And, as Reuters writes, it is time for Wall Street to add "the juggernaut that is Donald J. Trump to the list of what-ifs that is worrying Wall Street."
